Zhigalansky waterfalls is one the most wonderful places in the northern Urals, hiden in Zhigalan river-valley of Permsky territory. Zhigalan river flows from snow patch, situated on the earstern slope of Kvarkush range’s Vogulsky Kamen (Vogulsky stone). The river discharges its waters into Uls river-valley forming the whole cascade of picturesque waterfalls in its way. The length of Zhigalay river is only 7 km, and broken-bedded channel is 700 m. The clear mountain river comes down with fast-flowing stream and breaks up into millions of droplets which makes great impression and fascinates, it doesn’t leave indifferent anyone. There are 5 layers in the valley of waterfalls. The lower ones are the most interesting and pictorial. The height of layers ranges up to 15 meters, shimmering in sunlight falling water makes play of paints which is wonderful in its beauty. Whitewater holes huge masses of rocks with a bang; it floods widely down the slopes in a thin layer and falls down and splash down the thick rocks in a way of a transparent brilliant fan. The waterfalls are especially expressive in the early morning, when the sun illuminates the valley.
There is one-fold path among the river, coming up which one can see all layers of the waterfalls. Climbing up the path Kvarkush range affords a fine view of the highest peak of the range – Vogulsky Kamen (Vogulsky stone) 1066 m in height. One can see a perpetual mountain glacier here, as well as wild deer which affect in the places.
Notwithstanding considerable remoteness (525 km) from the capital of the Urals (Yekateringburg city), waterfalls of Zhigalan river attract great interest among the tourists, photographers and just nature enthusiasts. Transparent brilliant water, mountain air, savage scenery of nature will attract you with its inerasable beauty and glory over and over which make you savor every moment spending in these places.