It is a river of magnificent rocks, petroglyphic drawing and rural museums. By its beauty Rezh river seems to be as good as Chusovaya river famed in legends. Its banks are adorned with numerous magnificent rocks as fighters, and its water compared to Chusovaya is free from numerous displays rowing twin-hull and paddle boats.
There is a stream head of Rezh river in Koltashi: the confluence of the Ayat, flowing from Ayat lake and Sap river. The upstream water of Rezh is a not a large, narrow and very meandering river (especially the first 20 – 25 km) with small rifts and rare rocks on the banks. Still one of the highest and most beautiful Rezh rocks, Shaitan-Rock (Evil-spirit-rock), is situated just here, 6 km down the mouth of the right inflow Aduy.
Shaitan-Rock (Evil-spirit-rock) is a cliff granite wall with 40 m in height and 400 m in length along the river. The stream way of the river is not so wide, of about 20 – 25 m. The spacing between the rock and the water is 25 – 30 m. Here are pine-trees, birches, bird cherry trees, mountain ashes, aspens growing. The top of the rock is crowned with pine-trees. Near the rock itself there is a loosened rock formed with 5 m high. The rock is divided into 2 parts with a vertical break-up, along which one can climb the rock.