Picturesque nature and living history are with maximum comfort life-supporting and civilizational standard of living. The park was officially founded in 1999 year, though students-volunteers began landscaping as far back as in the 1970s. “The dear’s streams” are different scenery, endemic-plants and relicts, pure Serega-river and its beautiful cliffs on the banks. Utoplennik (The Drowned Man), Svyashennik (The Clergyman), Lyagushka (The Frog), Dirovatiy-Kamen (The Stone With Holes) (students call it also “The Drinking Horse), Karstoviy Most (The Karstic Bridge) — the names of cliffs are given by its similarity of appearance or it has to do with is legends. There are sketches found on Pissaniza-rock (Neolithic-Rupestrian-Drawing-Rock) – the image of a red deer, which has become a symbol of the park.
The deer park is famed for its caves (there are 48 caves in the park). The best time for survey of the most of them is winter or forward spring. Friendship-cave (Fedot’s cave) and Large-Karst-Cave-in (Fedot’s Karst-Cave-in) are the most obtainable and famous among the tourists. Friendship-cave is one of the largest multideck caves of the Sverdlovsk region (the total length of passages is 500 m). There are only few tens of meters near the entrance accessible without equipment there; further a steep descent will lead to underground streams and lakes. The cave-in is a rare cave of a vertical type – it is a sinkhole crack with more than 30 m depth which is moss-grown and a temperature in the bottom is lower than on the earth surface. The cave-in is effective in summer as well. Winter Arakayev’s cave makes the ultimate impression: multimeter curtains of white frost and snow, icy and calcite stalactites and stalagmites, up to 300 bats… The territory of the park includes other sight worthy cages (Katnikov’s, Orlova’s hill cave-in, or the Glacier, which area is frozen the year round), however it is more difficult to find it and it si better planning a special trip there. On any of these routes you will see “an Angel of Single Hope” artwork by all means, made by a Swedish artist L. Adval, and there are only seven of them erected in the world. Everybody makes a wish holding the Angel by the wing. In winter you can go skiing on the paths which are environmentally safe to the rocks such as the Karstic Bridge (6 km on either side), Neolithic-Rupestrian-Drawing-Rock and the Frog (10 km on either side). There are two pictorial suspension bridges. There are plank-built ovrings paved over the river – it is some sort of thimbleful of extreme.
It is a good possibility to examine the park – that is 1-2-3 daily rafting down Serga river rowing twin-hull boats with stops and walking tours. In summer you will have to wade across the river for going some sightseeing.