“Marathon mountains” is a peak of Sverdlovsk region. Konzhakov’s mountain group is one of the highest among the leading Ural mountain groups. The top of it is Konzhakov’s stone (1569 m), or Konzhak, often called in a familiar way by travelers. The mountain has got the name of a hunter Konzhakov, a representative of Mansi people, who lived earlier in a yurt at the bottom of the mountain.
Konzhak as such is a huge hill, which is laid together with combe rocks, that is stones of different sizes — from a small suitcase up to a small house. In summer one has to step there, jump and crawl. In winter it is covered up with snow, and strong winds, frost, snowdrifts and ice make rising difficult in the mountain side. The peak and hill slopes of Konzhakov’s stone afford an unforgettable view, which impresses anyone. Here one can see the most picturesque chain of mountains, taiga. There is especially a pleasant view over Kosvinskiy Kamen (Kosvinsky stone). Here is perfect ecology and fresh air.
Summer begins in June on Konzhakov’s stone, though snow can cover up the mountain even in the middle of July. The best time for skiing trips is from late February up to the middle of April, though one can go skiing down the slopes of the mountain group even in May. Winter Konzhak’s slopes is a real Mecca for free riders: after reaching the summit of the mountain fans of unprepared skiing runs rise up and roll down all days long taking their dozes of adrenalin.