Denezhkin Kamen (A Bit of Money’s Stone), a reserve in the Northern Urals, which is situated on the north of the Sverdlovsk region; its area is not overlayed. The reserve is founded in 1991 year (on the part of the territory where the reserve of the same name was in 1946-1961 years). The landform of the reserve is varied, a ridge of island mountains and ranges, separated from each other with stream valleys, stretches side by side with the Ural Mountain Range, datum levels are 245-1410 m above sea level. There are numerous mountain streams among the territory of the reserve, the largest of them are Taltiya and Sosva.
A Bit of Money’s Stone is a separated interesting mountain group. The main peak of the mountain group is situated on the eastern brink of the great highland and has the height of 1492 m. Long branches tend sideways from the highland as fingers. In the past it was the Mecca of tourists, and now it is a reserve and officially no one is permitted here.
An old wood-transport road passes from the south of a Bit of Money’s Stone, which begins in Kalya village situated not far from Severouralsk city. One can get there by train from Yekaterinburg city. The road leads to an uninhabited Solva village in front of a bridge across Kriv river. The village was built during the gold mining in Solva river, now there are only spoil heaps left after the gold mining, which has deformed the river-banks. There is a cordon of the reserve situated in the village. Another cordon is situated in the mouth of Kriv river.
It is a typically taiga region. Valleys of rivers and slopes of mountains up to 700-800 m in height are covered with dense softwood forests (fir-trees, larches, cedars). There are lot of mushrooms, berries, furs and feathers. The forests are dense, full of brushwood and wind-fallen trees.
The climate is severe. Winter (from late October up to April) is hard, with many layers of snow. Frosts are smart and steady. The dominant atmospheric temperature in January is 16 degrees; ice days with fogs and temperature up to 40 degrees are ordinary. Summer is short (from late May up to the middle of August), summer is lukewarm in valleys and foothills. The average temperature in July is 15 – 17 degrees, the atmospheric temperature rises up to +33 degrees in hot shiny days. Summer is chilly in the mountains; the average temperature in July is 8 – 12 degrees. There are steady rains there, mostly with thunderstorms. There is a predominance of cloudy weather with long drizzling in late summer and autumn. Winds are western and north-western.
The most opportune time for skiing trips is March and the beginning of April: it is becoming warmer and longer. The best time for hiking is the second half of July – the first half of August: it is warm, mushrooms and berries ripen; there are fewer horseflies and other bloodsucking insects in August.